
Pricing Options

Choose the plan that suits your needs and budget

Trial - Free
Save 20% with the annual plan
21 days free
1 free limited job slot
Max 3 applications per job - To receive unlimited applications upgrade to paid version
Limited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is limited in the free version
Limited talent pool access - Limited direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
CHF 299/mo
1 unlimited job slot
Access to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options
Trial - Free
Save 20% with the annual plan
21 days free
1 free limited job slot
Max 3 applications per job - To receive unlimited applications upgrade to paid version
Limited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is limited in the free version
Limited talent pool access - Limited direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
CHF 2990
CHF 2390/yr
1 unlimited job slot
Access to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
1 unlimited job slot
Upgrade to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
£ 2,559
1 unlimited job slot
Upgrade to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options
Trial - Free
Save 20% with the annual plan
21 days free
1 free limited job slot
Max 3 applications per job - To receive unlimited applications upgrade to paid version
Limited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is limited in the free version
Limited talent pool access - Limited direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
CHF 2990
CHF 2390/yr
1 unlimited job slot
Access to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options

Pricing Options

Choose the plan that suits your needs and budget

Trial - Free
Save 20% with the annual plan
21 days free
1 free limited job slot
Max 3 applications per job - To receive unlimited applications upgrade to paid version
Limited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is limited in the free version
Limited talent pool access - Limited direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
CHF 299/mo
1 unlimited job slot
Access to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options
Trial - Free
Save 20% with the annual plan
21 days free
1 free limited job slot
Max 3 applications per job - To receive unlimited applications upgrade to paid version
Limited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is limited in the free version
Limited talent pool access - Limited direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
CHF 2990
CHF 2390/yr
1 unlimited job slot
Access to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
CHF 299/mo
1 unlimited job slot
Upgrade to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
CHF 2990
CHF 2390/yr
1 unlimited job slot
Access to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options
Trial - Free
Save 20% with the annual plan
21 days free
1 free limited job slot
Max 3 applications per job - To receive unlimited applications upgrade to paid version
Limited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is limited in the free version
Limited talent pool access - Limited direct messaging options
Save 20% with the annual plan
CHF 2990
CHF 2390/yr
1 unlimited job slot
Access to unlimited job slots
Unlimited applications per job
Unlimited search - Searching for candidates on the platform is boosted by AI and filters
Unlimited talent pool access - Direct messaging options

Pricing Plans

Choose the plan that suits your needs and budget

Trial - Free
21 days
Per month
Perfect for small to medium-sized businesses
CHF 299
Per month
Perfect for small to medium-sized businesses
Feature Category
Employer branding page
Job slots
Candidates per job
ATS access
Search the global talent pool
Full talent pool access
Multi Languages
Unlimited users
Automated emails
GDPR automation
Knockout questions
API connection into job boards
Live support
Customer success manager
Onboarding support

Unlock Premium Benefits and Features Today

Upgrade to our premium membership to enjoy exclusive benefits and features. Join a community of the leading hospitality establishments globally.

Access to a global talent pool specific to the hospitality industry

Connect to industry peers

Enhanced profile visibility to attract the best candidates

Girl winking with Hospitaliti logo in the top left corner.

Hospitaliti is in beta now!

Hospitaliti is in beta now. Sign up to see our progress!Get early access and stay ahead of the competition. Send us an email at or book directly through the button below.

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Pricing FAQs

Find answers to common questions about our pricing plans and billing.

What is Hospitaliti?

Hospitaliti has the functionality of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) - assisting recruiters and recruiting teams to effectively manage their applicants. But Hospitaliti is so much more. Hospitaliti is a tool that allows your organization to communicate your employer branding directly to the largest hospitality-only global talent pool. Hospitaliti provides access to the best talent.

How does the Hospitaliti pricing work?

Our subscriptions are based on two tiers. First, you pay for the Applicant Tracking System which is the base fee per month. On top of that, you decide how much you pay depending on how many job vacancies you want to post. The price you pay depends on the jobs you post and your billing period. Paying annually will give you a 20% discount on your subscription!

Can I try Hospitaliti before I subscribe?

Yes, you can try through the Start or the Trial package. You will just experience a limited version of the platform. If you are happy with the experience you will be able to decide if you want to subscribe monthly or annually.